The core services that I offer are listed below:
  • Grant Narrative Writing
  • Grant Prospecting
  • Writing + Editing Artist Statements and Other Materials
  • Organizational and Program Narrative Development
  • Program Design and Management Strategy

Please submit this form to inquire about my services.
If you have questions about my rates, please email me at

My rates are organized into a sliding scale based on my clients’ proximity to wealth and racial privilege. I’ve adapted this sliding scale system from Brown Recluse Zine Distro and AORTA.
Pricing my services this way for clients with close proximity to wealth and racial privilege allows me to offer a Solidarity Rate to those without this privilege. Thank you for investing in our arts community in this way!

I offer a Solidarity Rate for Black and POCI individual artists who do not have access to wealth privilege. If you are a Black and POCI individual artist with close proximity to wealth, please use the chart below to self-assess and pay a higher rate for my services.

I don’t require my clients to disclose the factors that influence the rate they choose to pay, but I am open to helping potential clients decide which rate fits them best.

For Individual Artists:

For Fiscally Sponsored Groups and Nonprofit Organizations: